A travel tale of woe…

Tanya C. DePass
2 min readSep 4, 2019


Originally tweeted during my flight home on 9/3 and cleaned up for typos, etc.

I swear to dog, this trip is doing it’s level best to make me hate traveling. If you are in a window seat and need to get up for any reason; and the person the aisle isn’t asleep? Fucking ask them to let you out. Hell even if someone is asleep, and you need out? It’s inconvenient but we really out here thinking it’s fine to just climb over folks?

This is the second time a white woman has climbed over me like I’m a fucking piece of furniture while on a flight. Then asked was it a problem. Yes it’s a fucking problem if you climb over me rather than ask if I can let you out. It’s a simple, reasonable request. Did you think I’m gonna be like nah, you just out of luck. Instead she just climbed over me. Like… what the entire fuck makes you think it’s alright to limb over someone like a damned jungle gym. What I ask you? No home training I swear to 4C Andraste.

Last time this happened, I was on a SW flight about a month ago. There wasn’t even really room to climb over me, she was just tiny. I’m already just fucking done in and ready to pop off if anything else goes wrong on this trip. I might need folks to keep five on hand for bail before I get home. (Spoiler, I didn’t)

Also don’t tell me you do this all the time with no one complaining. I will not only not give one Kentucky fried fuck, I may just block you for trying to tell me it’s no big deal. If there’s any justice, I will sleep the remainder of this flight. (Spoiler, I didn’t)

Additionally, after we landed and I was getting up, she asked if my phone and the power brick it was literally attached to for the whole flight was mine. Like I was really going to stand up and forget it? Like you’ve already pissed me off once, leave me thee entire fuck alone.

To add one last what the fuck moment? Someone grabbed my backpack as I was trying to tell me a cord was dangling from my phone. I knew it was there and it was not long enough to get caught in the escalator. Old white woman, unsure if it was the same woman from my flight. I don’t know what’s in the air (literally) but learn to keep your hands to yourself.



Tanya C. DePass

INDG Founder, cast Rivals of Waterdeep, Mother Lands RPG Creative Director, diversity & inclusion consultant, freelance rpg dev, speaker & Twitch Partner