Coming out Day — Apocalypse Edition
An excellent thread on Coming Out day from twitter, starting here:
Also, today is not the day for coming out straight, or anything else you might think is a mere joke. Today is a day many of us take risks including our lives to be our full selves and speak our truth. Often we do this without knowing how it will come out, or if we’ll still have friends, family, a roof over our head when all is said and done.
Don’t diminish that with a shitty joke on a day that’s important for many. Or for others it pushes them further back in the closet out of fear, especially with who’s currently pushing anti LGQBTQIA legislation every chance they get.
Respect those taking the chance today, thank them for their courage and do not shame those who choose to be safe until they can take that step, if ever.
Here’s my own little bit on why I won’t come out to my mother, but everywhere else, initially penned for #BiVisibilityWeek