Home from Wiscon 40…
This was my seventh WisCon, second being on the ConCom and a co-chair of programming. First being a GoH liaison, and second where I feel rode hard and put away wet now that I’m home.
Some of it is emotional, been in a weird, hard to articulate headspace the whole weekend starting with group dinner on Thursday night, and continuing until this morning before leaving Madison for home.
I guess the best way to describe it with the limited language I have but there was a lot of feeling alone in a crowded room; as if I was an outsider even among my peers. Some of it manifested due to being introduced as someone who had been harassed by GG. That’s not how I want to be known for a few reasons.
For one, I have been a target inasmuch as any other marginalized person who advocates for change in gaming, who’s been harangued and tweeted at, and who has to block tens of thousands of eggs, and throwaway accounts just to use the service to do the work I do.
For two, if I’m to be known, I want it for the work I’m doing, the articles I’ve written, the talks I’ve given. I am more than the sum of harassment I’ve had come my way. Everyone in the gaming space who’s run afoul of that group of gamers most foul isn’t defined by those interactions, nor as far as I know wants to be.
Aside from that, I just felt …odd this year. Sunday was too much programming and stuff to do for me. Next year not so much paneling I think. However, my panels went well, and the #INDGYR2 panel was standing room only.
If you wanted to see any live tweets from the panels I was on, check these hashtags:
#WomenCanBeEvilToo or #EvilWomen
#INDGYR2 or #INeedDiverseGames
Also, I hopped back on #BiInvisibility because it would have been all white women, and #VillainsAsRepresentation panels along with Alexandra Erin because they were missing POC and trans representation despite it being in the panel description. :|
I also went to a video game writing workshop led by Ceri Young, who wrote Evie Frye in AC: Syndicate. She was great, gave us a lot of brainfood and feedback that was really good. I left the workshop energized and ready to go back to my (admittedly left to rot) twine game.
Also had a good time with Nalo Hopkinson as her GoH liaison and Justine Larbalestier is a damned treasure.
That’s all I have energy for now, but later there will be a longer post probably over at cypheroftyr.com with details, pics and deep thoughts once I’ve rested up.