#INeedDiverseGames & Fresh Out of Tokens go to #IndieCade15!
We are ecstatic to announce that we will be part of the #IndieCade15 #GamingForEveryone Pavilion from October 23rd to October 25th!
We’re very lucky that we’ll be on a panel with the lovely folk from @femhype on Sunday, October 25th at 2pm PST.
Journalism For Everyone
2:00–3:00 pm PST IndieCade Village, Craftsmanship Tent
This talk will present best practices for inclusive journalism by game writers from FemHype and Fresh Out of Tokens.
Speakers: Jillian — FemHype & Tanya — #INeedDiverseGames/Fresh Out of Tokens
Moderated by: Celia Pearce, IndieCade
We’re really, really excited to meet with other attendees & fellow Pavilion members while we’re there. Here’s where we’ll be:
IndieCade Village [Map] 9300 Culver Blvd Culver City, CA 90232
Definitely stop by our booth if you can! We’ll have #INeedDiverseGames & Fresh Out of Tokens buttons, and some other info about what we’re up to, so make sure and stop by.. We’re going to try to live stream from the booth for a bit on the #INeedDiverseGames Twitch Channel on Saturday — Time TBD but that will be on PST
We’ll keep you updated through social media. Follow along with us on:
- Twitter: @INeedDivGms // @OutOfTokensCast
- Facebook: facebook.com/INeedDiverseGames
- GooglePlus
- #INeedDiverseGames on Twitch: twitch.tv/ineeddivgames
Follow the hashtags: #INDGAtIC and #TokensAtIC and use it to tweet at us so we can meet up! Keep an eye out for a follow up post of all things #IndieCade15 after we’re back from @indiecade!!
Originally published at ineeddivgms.info.