On calling to POC for outrage entertainment
As usual, this Medium piece sprung from a string of tweets sent out early in the am as I am wont to do. Originally posted on twitter March 3, 2016 starting with this tweet:
What do you mean by that? You might be asking, well here’s what I mean by “outrage entertainment” it’s when people call to POC by tagging them in tweets/FB posts/tumblr on a topic that has an issue of diversity fail, racism, sexism, what have you.
It seems like these tag-ins are because some kind of angry/outraged response is expected, or even desired. The need for dragging is strong, however the person who has tagged you in is usually white and/or not affected by the topic of said tweet or post. They then get to sit back & watch the damage being done, while others often get their kicks out of watching our anger be used for entertainment or fueling fights over whatever the topic happens to be.
It’s why I get real salty when people tag me in on things when I’m over here, minding my business I’ll tell you why it pisses me off; get a chair I’m gonna be a minute.
One: it’s a theft of our time & emotions. If I feel strongly enough About an issue, I’ll say something Ina venue & time of *my* choosing, not anyone else’s. I can’t be outraged 24/7 that’s exhausting.
Two: it shows a lack of respect for me as a person, I’m not anyone’s personal attack POC on what has *you* outraged today.
Three: it means you, who have tagged said POC assumes they have the energy, time and will to wade in. Spoiler: often we don’t.
Four: it shows is you are lazy & don’t want to put in the work. Go fight your own damned fights, no one has time for it.
Before someone gets on their feelings about this thread; if defensiveness is your reaction? Sit down & reflect on your past deeds. Don’t pull the but “I didn’t wanna speak out of turn! It’s not my place so I let you know about X!” Nah, miss me with that excuse. Want to be useful? Learn to shut the entire fuck up, take a seat and LISTEN. Don’t give your unwanted advice, we won’t thank you.
See something you don’t like as a non-POC? Say something but don’t tag us in for validation or to see you doing a good job. I’ve blocked people for that lately. My mentions are already a mess sometimes, I don’t need that in the mix.
So; TL;DR stop tagging us in, do your own damn work & listen more, talk less.