Some thoughts on fear of what this country will become with Tr**p in charge

Tanya C. DePass
4 min readJan 21, 2017

I’ll be 44 in a few months and I’ve seen a few Presidents in my time. None perfect, politicians never are. Never will be. I watched 9/11 happen from work. Lived with the fuck yeah, Murica! Sentiment that gripped hearts & minds. I was affected by Reagan’s false Welfare Queen myth that still won’t go away. My mother even more so as she nearly lost SSI benefits.

I’ve lived through all the Bush’s in office. All of the fucked up things they have done while in power. Yet I didn’t fear as I do now. I know I said I woke to a dystopia when I saw who’d won. I was going for dark humor, but considering what we’ve seen so far? Not a joke. The things that he’s done already, scrubbing off all traces of Barack Obama’s two terms from all White House places, is a sign.

It’s not the first or last. This is not a peaceful transition of power. This is scorching the Earth, salting it in hopes we forget. The White House YouRTube page was barren of everything within the last 8 years before the day was out. Save the Inauguration video. [It autoplays as a warning] ETA: For those saying the scorched earth scrubbing of the gov’t social media and sites is normal.

Capped before I unfollowed and blocked White House on YT

The Whitehouse dot gov site gives you the POTUS and VP first encouraging you to sign up. Make America Great “Again”. It’s not for us anymore. The office of POTUS is the ultimate service job. To serve the people of this country. Yet it’s now about the bully at the gate. I’m not a political analyst or pundit. I’m speaking from the heart. Going by what I’m seeing happen in the country I call home.

Right now, I’m afraid. Not just for me. For everyone in mortal danger once they gut the ACA. For everyone barely scraping by. I’m afraid that the arts will suffer. Angry that there’s already moves being made to defund the Arts. To defund creativity. I’m afraid that we are going to wake up to a dictatorship in name if not law as things are done incrementally in the hopes no one noticed. I’m afraid we’ll see World War 3 begin under Tr**p’s regime. Not hyperbole, I am genuinely afraid of this happening.

I’m actually embarrassed that he was elected. I am angry that so many chose to fall for lies, chose to put a vile man in power. For the first time in nearly 44 years, I am ashamed, angry & embarrassed to say who the POTUS is. I might just say I’m Canadian until 2020. Fears aside, I am trying to have hope. It’s hard, really hard now that the swearing is done, the seventh seal opened.

More than anything, I’ll #RiseUp, do what I can to resist. Be strong & work harder than before. Giving up isn’t an option. Before I go start my day, actually get out from this blanket roll. Let’s remember how we got here. For those who want to pretend that this is an anomaly, a blip in how things work.

This guys entire campaign has been built on fear of the other. The idea that a black man made us less than great as he lead the country. His lies, his bluster went unchecked by the media who took him seriously. Who did not check him with facts & dispute lies. He fed on the racism that lurks in the hearts of those who felt like they’d “lost their country” with Obama as POTUS. He used thatvfear and hatred. That wrong fitting suit of feeling left out to pull them along by the nose. And they went willingly to intellectual slaughter.

He played on their false pride of not being great because a white man was not in the highest seat in the land. He also got white women to cape for him, somehow. Even after “grab em’ “talking about forcing himself on women? Still went to bat for him. So let’s stop acting surprised this happened, still. Don’t forget the nearly 50% of eligible people who didn’t vote & 3rd part split. Y’all aren’t off the hook either. But it’s done. He’s sworn in and unless impeachment happens (G*d let it happen) we’re stuck.

So let’s get to work, resist, fight. We’ve got to. Hell, survive out of spite if it helps. But don’t give up. Please

Last thing. If you read all that & came away with but I’m a good white person, how dare you?! Then you need to think before you reply to me. If you can’t read someone’s thoughts and fears for what’s happening without making it about you? Re-evaluate yourself. Don’t start no shit. I’m not a patient person on a good day. It’s not going to be a good day until we get him out of office. So watch yourself & your responses. Discourse, discussion is fine. Disagreement too if you can do so without being an asshole. It’s possible, shocking I know.

But derailing that whole thread with white guilt, re-centering hurt feelings over my fears for surviving gets a block hand. That’s it, that’s all I got for now. I’m gonna try for productivity after some coffee, what about y’all?



Tanya C. DePass

INDG Founder, cast Rivals of Waterdeep, Mother Lands RPG Creative Director, diversity & inclusion consultant, freelance rpg dev, speaker & Twitch Partner